Change and Food Security
Global warming induced heat
waves, drought, and
flooding constitute a global food security emergency for us all today, to protect our near and long term future food security- the world's top food producing regions of the temperate Northern hemisphere are now global warming & climate
change vulnerable.
19 Dec 2014 Climate change cut to world food output 18% by 2050
Changes in climate are already
affecting the sustainability of agricultural systems and disrupting
Unless the emissions of GHGs are curbed
.. changes in temperature, precipitation, and
other climate variables will undoubtedly affect
agriculture around the world
Position statement of the American Society of
Agronomy Crop Science Society of America Soil Science Society of
Climate change: how a
warming world is a threat to our food supplies
Global warming is
exacerbating political instability as tensions brought on by food insecurity
rise. With research suggesting the issue can only get worse we examine the
risks around the world. The Observer 13 April 2013
The 11,000 year period of relative climate
stability in which agriculture developed
is over. Lester Brown
Feb 2015 Science Unprecedented 21st century drought risk
in the American Southwest and Central Plains
Feb 2015 Stanford European grain stagnation linked to climate change
June 2015 The world is on course for civilization to collapse due to food shortages by 2040
Site maintained by Peter Carter
6 Jan 2016 UBCDrought, heat take toll on global crops
Drought and extreme heat slashed global cereal harvests between 1964 and 2007 – impact greatest in North America, Europe and Australasia.
2013 UN Report Wake Up Before It Is too Late The world needs a paradigm shift in agricultural development. Small-scale environmentally sensitive organic farming is the way to feed the world
2016 reportWorst Mediterranean drought in 900 years has human fingerprints all over it.
2016 FAO The State of Food and Agriculture Climate change agriculture food. 'A review of the Fifth Assessment of the IPCC suggests that while positive and negative projections of impacts on crop yields counterbalance each other at global level until about 2030, the balance after that becomes increasingly negative' WE ARE LOCKED INTO 2030's CLIMATE CHANGE
World Bank 2016 The world needs to produce at least 50% more food by 2050, but climate change could cut crop yields by more than 25%.
Jan 2017 Harvests in the US to suffer from climate change
Nov 2018 World wheat production problems come to the fore
FAO Sept 2018 State of Global Food Security and Nutrition World hunger increases 3rd year in a row.
FAO 2019 Climate change affecting food production
Nov 2018 US fed climate change assessment. Food production will decline
9. "Agriculture Rising temperatures, extreme heat, drought, wildfire on rangelands, and heavy downpours are expected to increasingly disrupt agricultural productivity in the United States. Expected increases in challenges to livestock health, declines in crop yields and quality, and changes in extreme events in the U S and abroad threaten rural livelihoods, sustainable food security, and price stability."
"In addition to conflict and violence in many parts of the world, the gains made in ending hunger and malnutrition are being eroded by climate variability and exposure to more complex, frequent and intense climate extremes: FAO Nov 2018 State of World Food Security
Feb 2019 Future of food under 'severe threat'
FAO State of the World's Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture
Oct 2018 IPCC 1.5C Report A 1.5C warming puts 10s. 100s & 1000s of million people at high extreme risk with respect to health, water and food security.
9 Dec 2019 Newly Identified Jet-Stream Pattern Could Imperil Global Food Supplies
September 2019Global demand for food will increase by 50 percent and yields may decline by up to 30 percent by 2050 in the absence of ambitious climate action.
8 Oct 2019, FAO " Agriculture is a weather-dependent sector, and the impacts of climate change may cause more frequent and intense droughts and floods, the spread of pests and diseases, and the degradation of ecosystems. At the same time, agriculture is also faced with the responsibility and pressure to reduce emissions,"
16 Oct 2019 US Security “Climate change threat to global food security, with existential outcomes for humanity
20 Dec 2019 Climate change could cut fruit production by almost a third
OXFAM NOV-Dec 2019 After extreme weather events climate shocks , 52 million people in 18 countries across southern, eastern, and central Africa are facing crisis levels of hunger.
Satellite world
crop monitor
1st April 2021, Climate change cut global farming productivity 21% since 1960s
1 November 2021, Climate impacts on global agriculture emerge earlier in new generation of climate and crop models
Dec 2021 FAO World agriculture at breaking point