Climate Change and Food Security
Yet there is little concern for our food security under global climate change because the truth about the full effect of global warming on food security has not been told and the IPCC has told governments that there is no global climate change food security problem.
Agriculture is inherently sensitive to climate.. climate change is generally problematic for agricultural production ..
(Climate change and agriculture, a Canadian perspective Agriculture Canada 2007)
For temperature increases more than 3.0°C impacts are stressful to all crops assessed and to all regions. (IPCC 2007 WG2 Fig 5.2.)
Today, the humanitarian crisis and greatest human injustice issue of all time is the impact of already absolutely committed global warming and climate change on the food security of the most climate change vulnerable populations - numbering over a billion .
Are you aware that the current international climate change policy of allowing the global temperature to rise by 2°C will result in more than a 30% loss of maize production in the US and Africa by 2040?
Today, the greatest present danger to the survival of human populations and of humanity is the multiple combined and cumulative adverse impacts of global warming and climate change on agriculture. If world agriculture fails civilization fails.
The low and mid-to-high latitude regions encompass the majority of
global cereal production area. This suggests that global production potential, is threatened at +1°C local temperature change and
can accommodate no more that +3°C before beginning to decline. IPCC 2007
By today's absolutely committed global warming and climate change the world
and all nations are in a committed food security emergency.
Overall, climate change could make it more difficult to grow crops, raise animals, and catch fish in the same ways and same places as we have done in the past. (EPA Climate impacts on US agriculture)
Climate Change Food Security
Food Emergency
The most climate change vulnerable populations are also the most socio-economically deprived. Any increase in food prices is devastating to them and in the case of caused by climate change will be permanent. Climate will increase food prices and this will occur and this is a catastrophic impact.
How ever we look at it, and despite the fact it's being ignored, the world is an emergency situation right now from global warming climate change.
o Currently drought is increasing globally and in the N hemisphere where the top world food production is.
o The US great grain belt is in a 3 year drought forecast to persist into 2013.
o Food producing in the US Russia and China are in a 3 year drought
o Drought is projected to greatly increase at already committed warming
o Climate crop models (do not capture drought) project large world food output drop and decline in all regions.
Drought intensifying worldwide: UN, 21 Aug 2012
“Climate change is projected to increase the frequency, intensity, and duration of droughts, with impacts on many sectors, in particular food, water, and energy,”World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Secretary-General Michel Jarraud press release.
Sept 2018 FAO World Food Security Hunger increases for 3rd year running- conflict and climate shocks